On this auspicious occasion of Shravan Somwar, S.S.P. Group of Institute’s Ganesh International School and Sr, Secondary Chikhali organized ‘Kanyapujan’ and ‘Satyanarayan Puja’. During this ceremony, parents of students from Nursery to Std. XII performed puja and offered auspicious items to their children. The school provided odhanis/chunris to all participating students and distributed prasad to all present parents. The Satyanarayan puja was performed by Shri Raju Patil and Smt. Prajnya Patil. The program was attended by the Institution’s Chairman Shri S.B. Patil Sir, Trustee Shri Ganesh Patil, Smt. Snehal Patil, Shri Akash Patil, Smt. Aishwarya Patil, Shri Mangesh Patil, Smt. Pooja Patil, Administrative Officer Shri Prakash Gaikwad, Associate Director Shri Sunil Shewale, Principal of Siddhi College of Pharmacy Shri Pravin Sabale, Shri Satish Shelke, School Principal Smt. Shilpa Gaikwad, Play School Principal Smt. Bharti Gadad, Coordinator Smt. Madhuri Yevale, Sports Coordinator Shri Vinod Jagdale, and all teaching and Non Teaching staff members.
##kanyapoojaday 2024@ Ganesh International School, Chikhali##